12 March

Targeting in marketing is a strategy that focuses on specific customer segments rather than attempting to reach the entire market. This involves defining customer segments based on unique characteristics such as demographics, psychographics, business industry, and geographic areas. Targeting is essential for a holistic marketing strategy, influencing advertising, customer experience, branding, and business operations. It […]

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12 March

Segmentation involves dividing the marketplace into identifiable, accessible, actionable, and profitable segments with growth potential. This ensures effective targeting, considering limitations such as time, cost, and effort. In today’s competitive market, proper segmentation is crucial for a company’s success, allowing tailored product offerings to meet customer needs and increasing the chances of success. Types of […]

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12 March

PESTLE analysis is a strategic management tool used to analyze and evaluate the external macroenvironmental factors that can impact an organization. The acronym PESTLE stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors. This framework helps businesses identify key drivers of change in the external environment and assess their potential impact on the organization’s […]

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12 March

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a business or marketing venture. It helps organizations identify and understand internal and external factors that can impact their performance and decision-making. SWOT is often used in marketing to assess the current state of a business and […]

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12 March

The marketing environment refers to the external factors and forces that affect an organization’s ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers. Understanding the marketing environment is crucial for businesses to adapt to changes, identify opportunities, and manage potential threats. The marketing environment is often categorized into two main types: the microenvironment […]

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11 March

Marketing Mix The marketing mix, often referred to as the 4Ps, is a set of actions or tactics that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps include Price, Product, Promotion, and Place. Over time, additional Ps like Packaging, Positioning, People, and even Politics have been included in the […]

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11 March

Philip Kotler is a renowned marketing scholar who has contributed significantly to the field of marketing. Let’s explore the concepts you mentioned—Production, Product, Selling, Marketing, Societal, and Holistic Marketing—according to Kotler’s perspectives, along with suitable examples: 1. Production Concept:  Focus: The production concept centers on the idea that consumers prefer products that are widely available […]

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11 March

The fundamental concepts of marketing, as defined by Philip Kotler, are crucial to understanding the essence of marketing activities. Here are the core concepts: 1. Needs: Needs are the basic states of felt deprivation that reflect the lack or restlessness in a person’s situation. They are physiological and include necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, […]

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11 March

The basic purpose of marketing management is to achieve the objectives of the business, with the primary business aim being attaining reasonable profits by satisfying the needs of customers. Objectives of Marketing Management: 1. Creation of Demand:    – The foremost objective of marketing management is to create demand through various means. This involves a […]

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11 March

Introduction to Marketing Management: Objectives, Scope, and Importance In the contemporary world, marketing permeates every aspect of our daily lives. As we navigate through the day, we find ourselves constantly exposed to a myriad of marketing messages, shaping our choices and preferences often without our explicit awareness. This discussion aims to shed light on the […]

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